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How Safe Is Your Visitor Management Policy?

A contractor is in line behind a visitor, and a visitor is in line behind a vendor.In today’s unpredictable world, processes and security operations of checking in and out are top of mind for brick-and-mortar organizations. Add this to the post-pandemic push towards normalcy, and it all equates to the necessity for sound and secure visitor management processes. With the right solution, your company can streamline workplace safety, accentuate visitor experiences and promote the well-being of every person who comes through the door regardless of their title.

However, the question is, how safe is yourvisitor managementpolicy? Overall, the key is that process efforts will only be as solid as your policies are.

Visitor Management Policy — Optimizing Safety and Processes

Recent news headlines remind organizations of the significance of safety and security as they now reconsider who they feel comfortable letting in through their doors. With the widespread growth of technology and the push for making data-driven decisions, industry experts have seen an increased interest in systems that mitigate risks while enabling calculated decisions. Tools in a visitor manager suite enable you to rectify old policy processes, capitalize on the strengths of effective ones and bridge the need for regulatory compliance with visitor experiences in mind. That said, if you seek to advance your current policies and systems to become safer and more user-efficient, then there are several questions to address to ensure your business evolves as those demands do.

What Is Your Current Visitor Management Process?

Whether it bevendors, suppliers or contractors visiting your office, there must be a process in place. What does your current policy entail? Do you require vendors and other guests to sign in? Is check-in digital or done on paper? How do you manage their access? Is their access limited? These are all questions worth exploring to find any safety gaps, voids and areas for improvement. Knowing where you stand today and where you want to head is the first step in ensuring a seamless transition and a secure future.

What Are Your Visitor Guidelines?

Alongside your policy front-end relations, what do your visitor guidelines look like? Having sound visitor management guidelines in place is an integral part of workplace safety and can genuinely transform a traditionally mundane task into something both positive and productive. Review your current safety and process guidelines, create them if none currently exist and ensure that your employees understand and implement them. Remember, policies and guidelines are important, but they will become nulled if they are not followed properly.

What Are Your Visitor Logistics?

授权访问谁?你有特定的基于“增大化现实”技术的游戏吗eas that are off limits to visitors? It is vital to understand not only the logistics of your visitor access, but also the logistics of your building access and employee authorizations. These are all concepts that intertwine, and if one area is weak, then it can quickly become the catalyst for the rest to follow suit. Define the different visitor identities, assign appropriate permissions and make it easy for employees to invite, register and process visits in a modern, satisfactory manner that makes the visit enjoyable for all.

How HID’s Visitor Management Solutions Can Help

Implementing best practices to ensure your visitor management policies are safe and secure is important for a reason; this foundation enables you, your staff and your visitors to safely pursue their initiatives in an organized environment — a notion that can raise the bar in both visitor and employee satisfaction. However, if you have scanned through these questions and found prevalent gaps or outdated policies worth addressing, know thatHID’s Visitor Managementexperts are here to help you find the solution that is right for you.

Best known for its flexible and powerful solutions, HID offers various accommodations, innovations and automation designed to position you for operational excellence. We offer services that ensure correct access, contactless check-in/check-out processes, centralized access controls, watchlist integration and screening tools among other workflow benefits designed for your business needs. In summary, every business deserves to have frictionless interactions and positive experiences without hindering security assurances — something that can be easily attained by connecting with a visitor management resource that values the trajectory of your streamlined success and protection as much as you do.

Requestan HID Visitor Management demo today.

Ally Smyczek is the Product Marketing Manager for two of HID's Visitor Management solutionson-premises EasyLobby®and cloud-based WorkforceID™ Visitor Manager. Ally collaborates with product, sales, marketing, and communications teams to coordinate successful go to market programs for the product suite. She graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater with a bachelor's degree in marketing, emphasis on professional selling and minor in Spanish. Her experience varies from non-profit projects both local and global, marketing, sales, logistics, and visitor management.